1001 Arabian Nights

How has everyone been? How was Easter? Oh I need to get back in touch with you all again. We have spent a great time visiting friends in Dubai, sightseeing Abu Dhabi and relaxing in Fujairah. Easter was fantastic traditional celebration with lots of treats and goodies for the little ones. As usually I’ve taken 1000 photos and would like to share bit by bit with you. First a place that overwhelmed me  completely – Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi. Magnificent place filled with marble and gold plus it’s really grand, which makes an anourmous impression. And you have to wear an abaya to go in, respect to these women wearing them every day, it’s so hot and not comfy in it.


3 thoughts on “1001 Arabian Nights

  1. I really would like to go to Dubai some time. Great photos and how relieving that we don’t have to wear an abaya every day 🙂 Your son is charming!

    xx Kristin

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