Sunny side of life

And again some time has passed and I’ve been away from my computer. I’ve visited my dear  friend in Munich that just delivered a sweet baby girl, I’ve attended a charming wedding at the Baltic Sea at the Grand Heiligendamm, I’ve been busy with my work and housework as well. Slowly catching up and planning things ahead. In the meantime I’m enjoying the sunny days, green grass and my cosy balcony.

Wishing you all a happy and relaxing weekend.

Flea market finds

This weekend I’ve been to an antique flea market where I only wanted to look around and have an idea what it’s like. Well, I was overwhelmed and so excited, unfortunately I came too late and most stands were already closed but still I was lucky to buy a few special to me treasures. Don’t you just love this feeling when you find something close to your heart and taste, it is the joy, pride and creativity that awakens along with the purchase, this is priceless 🙂 My finds were Rosenthal egg holders, Royal Bavaria winter plates, silver American pattern sugar spoon and a crystal cake platter.  

Have a great Sunday!

Khussa Shoes

You might remember the previous time I went to Dubai I got myself two beautiful pairs of khussa shoes. And before I left this time for Easter I was asked to bring some for my friends. I had no idea they’d be so popular. As you can see I brought back a range of colors. They are perfect for the endless summer days and nights here in Singapore. I not only enjoy wearing them but also taking photos of the bright and shiny colors. Now I’ve added to my collection and got myslelf a pair in light pink and white. What do you think? Would you pick a pair and what color?

1001 Arabian Nights

How has everyone been? How was Easter? Oh I need to get back in touch with you all again. We have spent a great time visiting friends in Dubai, sightseeing Abu Dhabi and relaxing in Fujairah. Easter was fantastic traditional celebration with lots of treats and goodies for the little ones. As usually I’ve taken 1000 photos and would like to share bit by bit with you. First a place that overwhelmed me  completely – Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi. Magnificent place filled with marble and gold plus it’s really grand, which makes an anourmous impression. And you have to wear an abaya to go in, respect to these women wearing them every day, it’s so hot and not comfy in it.


What we have been up to

I’ve got not much time to blog, post and surf the net but I always try to take a lot of photos with my phone. So here is what we have been up to the last days during my son’s Easter break. It’s been fun but also busy. And honestly I can’t wait to get my mornings back to myself. Selfish? I guess not just every mother’s right.

Sightseeing Singapore

Fooling around in shops

Getting ready for Easter

Baking for playdates

Flying off for a weekend

Enjoying the surroundings

Having walks at the beach


Remembering a relaxing time in Bali

And what have been up to recently? I’m sorry if I have missed your posts. But I do promise to catch up.


Just a quick ‘Hi’

Just popping in to say a warm ‘hello’ to all the lovely ladies out there who visit and read my little blog. I’ve been in and out of the house, visiting playgrounds, having friends over for playdates, going away for short trips. Here are just a few photos from our favourite place in the region – Bali. It’s close enough to go even for 2 nights. It’s been a mixed business with pleasure trip this time. I’m going to share more details later.

In the meantime hope you all had a great weekend and I’ll be visiting your blogs shortly, just need to catch up on some house chores.

Have a sunny happy week!


Pottery Jungle

A dear friend of mine has taken me to this hidden jewel in the jungle this week – a place where you can find Asian pottery and porcelain. For me a blue and white paradise! Thow Kwan Pottery Jungle produces a wide range of decorative items but also imports traditional Chinese ceramics and porcelain. The first visit is just overwhelming, that’s why I took some photos so next time I will know what to focus on. And I only got myself a few smaller items but I can’t wait to go back there.

Thank you Yosi!


Cinderella shoes

Finally I’m all unpacked and organized after my trip to Dubai and I can share with you my favourite find. I’ve been seeing these all these years I’ve lived there but never paid much attention to them untill I’ve moved to Asia to  missed the Middle Eastern flare. Aren’t they just cute? I got myself two pairs to see if there are even comfy and next time to go I can get some other colours.

And here are some other colours to choose from. Any fav picks?