Sunny side of life

And again some time has passed and I’ve been away from my computer. I’ve visited my dear  friend in Munich that just delivered a sweet baby girl, I’ve attended a charming wedding at the Baltic Sea at the Grand Heiligendamm, I’ve been busy with my work and housework as well. Slowly catching up and planning things ahead. In the meantime I’m enjoying the sunny days, green grass and my cosy balcony.

Wishing you all a happy and relaxing weekend.

Easter Around My Table

This year’s pre Easter brunch is behind me. As I’ll be away from home I’d already had the pleasure of hosting it. What I’m really proud of are the marzipan carrots *big smile* on top of the carrot/oatmeal cupcakes. I’ve used my ‘Happy Easter’ printables for the table decorations, available on etsy again. And here is what you can do with them: