13 thoughts on “Fall in love with fall

  1. LOVE those photos!! I miss not getting to experience fall like I used to when I lived in the midwest. 😦

    PS: Thanks for the cold remedy link. That tea sounds amazing! Have a great day!-Heidi

  2. Anna these images are just beautiful and so are all the beautiful interior shots on the previous post! Hope you are well – so lovely to hear from you and receive your words of encouragement. Look forward to keeping in touch. Leanne x

  3. Hi Anna! We’ve started spring here but anyway these pics are beautiful. Love the tartan blankets.

    Your previous posts are lovely too. I would love to spend a holiday at that gorgeous hotel!

    Hope you’re having a happy week!

  4. I came to you through Amanda’s ‘homely one’. I love autumn, too! My husband and I moved to Indonesia with our kids and that’s where I live, so I don’t get to enjoy fall here, but I loved looking at the fall decoration on your blog! I read your ‘about’ section. We don’t have a permanent place, either and my blog is where I keep my own little world. I like the way you introduced yourself in the about section. It made me think to rewrite my own.

  5. Hello my dear Anna!
    How I wish you could have Autumn over there too.
    I can perfectly understand that you miss it so much.
    An autumnal hug to you my dear friend,

    1. Good to hear from you dear! How are you doing?
      I know that on the long run autumn can be boring, if it’s wet and gray, but I love the colours and the smell of dried leaves.
      Take a good care of yourself!

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