Add some colour to your life

Happy Monday and Happy 1st Day of Spring!

I love Rice not only for their lovely range of colourful melamine cups, plate and other products but also for their strong Corporate Social Responsibility. And this spring/summer 2011 collection is all about PEACE, KISS & GLAMOURAMA.

Here you can check their new collections:



The heart of home

“Think this over carefully: The most charming hours of our life are all connected – by a more or less tangible hyphen – with a memory of the table.”— Pierre-Charles Monselet 1874

Don’t you agree that the most important place in one’s home is the kitchen. A place where the family spends most the time, preparing food, chatting about the day, where the smell of food can warm our souls and where traditions and memories are built.

Well I’m not in a kitchen planning phase and will not be in the nearest future, but my parents are building a house and my mum was looking for kitchen inspirations. And knowing that this place will be very special to our family I would like to help her.  So there you go my favourite picks:

Photos: 1. raflertales, 2,3,8,9 Country Living, 4. decorpad, 5. Home Designing, 6,7 freshome, 10. Arh Zine