Racing with time

What a mother’s got to do she’s got to do, no matter what. This was a race with time and the amount of work to be done. I was rushing with the unpacking and setting up only to be ready for the birthday party of Pipo. I had nothing ready before just the inspiration so the designs were done from scratch. But I have to say, considering the circumstance, I’m pretty happy with the result and most importantly the birthday boy was impressed and he enjoyed it. Here is the set I’ve prepared, which soon will be available on etsy. Photos from party coming shortly, can’t seem to find time to work on them yet.

It’s the 4th one coming

Yes it’s already the 4th birthday of my son Pipo coming this weekend and I’m rushing with unpacking and sorting our stuff that finally arrived. Pipo is quite consistent with choosing his party theme. Last year before his 3rd birthday he knew that the following is going to be a race car theme and he has chosen a theme for the 5th already as well 🙂 So here is a quick inspiration that I’ve put together to this year’s theme. More on my pinterest board here.

Hopefully I can share details of my designs soon but in the meantime I’m doing my best to catch up with all my favourite blogs and blogging friends out there. I’m always happy to hear from you.

Lovely day to you all!!!